The Drone Frontier
The Drone Frontier
Complex Cities, Digital Data: Building urban climate resilience through the locally led production of new data
We talk to Edward Anderson, Senior Technology and Resilience Specialist for the World Bank based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Edward works at the nexus of urbanization,climate risks, and the leveraging of frontier data technologies for greater resilience in African economies.
A critical challenge for many developing country Governments is the limited availability of spatial data that can inform planning and coordination for climate risk reduction, especially in fast-changing urban areas like Dar es Salaam. Giving examples from his work on the World Bank- and FCDO-funded Tanzania Urban Resilience Programme, Edward explains how to work alongside local government institutions to support the production and use of frontier data technologies to enhance the capacity to identify and respond to climate shocks and disasters.
Frontier Technology Hub blog post: Medium
Full FCDO report: Frontier Data Study - releasing the power of digital data for development