The Drone Frontier
The Drone Frontier
Mapping humanity: using frontier data technologies and AI to provide hyper-local spatial data around the world
We talk to Melissa Persaud, Director of New Business, Global Development at Fraym, about their pioneering work using frontier data technology to produce hyper-local (1km^2 level) spatial data where data is traditionally hard to access.
Fraym’s data maps are used by companies, development organisations and governments to address a wide range of needs, including responding to the Covid-19 pandemic. In this episode, we also discuss Fraym’s work with CovidAction, a technology and innovation pipeline funded by the FCDO.
Fraym CovidAction project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DA9FXtj5QY]
Fraym’s website: https://fraym.io/
Frontier Technology Hub blog post: Medium
Full FCDO report: Frontier Data Study - releasing the power of digital data for development